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Below is an excerpt from one of our Guide book chapters. We find that this is even more important today as the world around us challenges us everyday.

Lean into Creating the Life 
You Want to Live

Take the first step in faith. 
You don’t have to see the whole staircase. 
Just take the first step. 
Martin Luther King Jr., American civil rights leader (1929-1968)


Having a clear vision is one of the best motivators for creating the life you want to live. However, sometimes we just aren’t that clear. We have a fuzzy idea, a sense of what we want, and a hope that clarity comes to us sooner than later. This is similar to painting a fantastic landscape: we don’t know exactly where it is going to take us, but we are willing to continue to put layer after layer of paint on the canvas. 

Even without a vivid vision, you can start to live the life you want by going with the idea. Just start and let the momentum take you with it. Experiment, let it guide you, learn along the way, and use the feedback to become clearer on the direction you want to go.  

Leaning into your Goals and Dreams


A few tips for leaning into the life you want to create

Create Momentum

1. Be willing to start without seeing what the end result might look like.

Simply start doing what makes sense and let the next logical action present itself to you.

 Suppose you have always wanted to run a marathon. Start by walking, run a few steps, and before you know it you might be running a mile, joining a running club, or training with a group. A variety of options will present themselves to you if you just start. 

2. A fuzzy idea or dream is a great place to start. 

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and thousands of other successful entrepreneurs didn’t know exactly what they were going to build when they started their companies. What they did have was a fuzzy idea, a purpose, and a passion to start where they were at—in a garage, a dorm room, or their bedroom.

3. Keep leaning into your hopes and dreams and the answers will come.

As you take action on your hopes and dreams, you are attracting more of what you want: opportunities present themselves, people come into your life to support you. One thing builds upon another. You might be surprised by the path you follow, so be open, be curious, and keep leaning into the dream and let the breeze take you with it.

Keep your fuzzy dream in the forefront of your thoughts and see where it leads you. Be open to new ideas, a different direction, and support from others. Pay attention to the signs that are coming your way as you lean into your dreams.

4. Take responsibility for living the life you want

We will all have excuses why we can’t do something, why it just isn’t the right time, or how someone else’s demands take precedent. The question is, however, are you taking responsibility to make things happen or are you waiting and waiting and waiting? Be your own magic genie and make your wishes come true. 

Send this blogpost to others to someone who might need a little lift in creating the lifestyle they want to live and making their dreams come true.