Over 10 years ago we had a dream to take time off and live for a year (or longer) in France. On August 1, 2005 that dream began (after much work and preparation). 

As our time off was approaching, we also realized this was a much needed opportunity to determine how we wanted to live our lives going forward with increased quality, time, creativity and new increased passion in our work.  Like many people we had been living at "life speed," barely having time for ourselves, our child or creativity. For many years we enjoyed this California lifestyle and even thrived on it. Over the last five years we had small signs that something wasn't right. I felt pulled between being a new mother at 45 and being a professional career women and business owner.  911 happened, My husband, Jean's twelve year old niece got run over by a truck on a bicycle, my business partner died, Jean was laid off from a stressful corporate job and he started a doctorate program in Psychology, the dot com crash put us into a tailspin with the business and investments, I had a car accident, we were spending money left and right on paying for services that others could provide for us so we would be free to work. Then I turned 50, I didn't have my heart into work anymore, both our priorities were changing and we knew the time had come in which we said out loud this is no longer working and we have to make a change. This part of our lives is done.

The question of course then becomes so if not this, what?  We have a young daughter, not enough money to retire and desires that go beyond corporate life.

We needed the time off to be with each other, change our pace of life by living in another culture, simplify our lives, and journey into the next phase. Our goal was renewal, happiness, peacefulness, good health, and passion.

To learn more about our journey, send us an email at Suzanne (at), to obtain a pre-release copy of our forthcoming book, From Rat Race to Change of Pace and subscribe to our email on how you can also create more joie de vivre in your life no matter where you are living.