Ten Simple Ways to Simplify your Days

Ten Simple Ways to Simplify your Days   Part I





  1. Create a calming morning routine. Have the coffee on a timer so it is piping hot when you wake up. Take it back to bed with you and have a few minutes to yourself or in conversation with your partner. Give yourself 10  minutes to wake up with the day.
  2. Decide on the three things you have to do for the day.
  3. Get out and walk in the sunshine, eat your fruits and vegetables and drink your water or tea.
  4. Organize your workspace so you feel uncluttered and free. Go back and focus  on the three things you have to do that day.
  5. Examine your To Do list and if anything cannot be answered “How are you helping me further my goals?” – get rid of it.
  6. Start moving or subscribing all of your email newsletters, purchases, and “I’ll get to it later reading,” to another email address (i.e. gmail or hotmail) and when you need a pick me up check it out. This will keep your major email box clean and simpler to work with.
  7. Decide what you are going to have for dinner for 3 days in a row. Shop for the necessary food, ingredient and enjoy the cooking.
  8. Talk to a friend for ten minutes a day and connect voice to voice. See how great it makes you feel.
  9. Snuggle up in bed with your partner, kid(s), dog, or a good book. Nothing like a lie down to feel good.
  10. Cut some flowers from our garden and put it on your desk at work. It will remind you of the simple joys in life.