My Birthday Wish

Today is my birthday and I am up at 5:00 am having just returned from France. It's great to be up so early and feel like I have an extra hour before the day really starts. I should do this more often.

It's my birthday today and I am shocked at my birth age as it is very incongruent with my mental age. Therefore, today I am celebrating how old I feel and the fact I have had a terrific life. I have a loving husband who brought me coffee in bed topped with whip cream, a beautiful daughter who is planning to buy me a beautiful outfit with high heels (and she is only 10) and a life that even with its stresses has been amazing.

I watch my mom who is 86, renew her driver license, continue to work part-time after retiring twice, and buying a new car and planning her next trip with my dad and I know for a fact that it is all about mental age and good health.

Ironically, yesterday was my husband's birthday. Back at work, we slipped out for lunch and a walk in the sunshine along the bay. I cooked him his favorite dinner and we all ate Angel Food cake with fresh strawberries on top having sung a few renditions of Happy Birthday in three languages. 

Having two birthdays in a row to celebrate, I realize that everyday should be treated as a birthday.

We sing to each other.

We are extra nice to ourselves and others.

We slow down a bit and enjoy the day.

My wish for this year is to keep my mind and body healthy and celebrate each day as though it is my birthday and everyone else's too. I might even try singing

To all of you, I send great birthday wishes and a wonderful day everyday.