Help us title our new book


For the past 4 years Jean and I have been writing a book which started out as one thing and has turned into something different and very exciting. We are at the point now that we need your feedback in terms of the title.  Click here to vote on whether or not you like our new title. (The subtitle is still being worked on).  


To read more about the book read below


Courage and Croissants

A Story Guidebook about family rejuvenation,
adventure, and learning how to reclaim joie de vivre

Suzanne Saxe-Roux, Ed.D. and Jean-Pierre Roux, Ph.D.





            Growing up we were told we could have it all, the American Dream—challenging careers, a rewarding marriage, financial success, increasing amounts of leisure time and even children if we wanted.

            Much has changed since 1931 when "The American Dream" was first coined by James Turslow Adams in his book, The Epic of America. Over the past 40 years, the American Dream slowly evolved into devoting your life to your work at all costs. By 2005, the catalyst organization reported that 83% of households had two working adults earning income outside the home and approximately half of those households have children under 18, a 63% increase since 1950. This shift in lifestyle alone has drastically changed how Americans spend their time. Life has become about developing one’s career, living and breathing work, and doing household chores.

            Courage and Croissants is the story of one couple’s search for balance, and clarity in a hectic modern world. Reeling from the stress of life as a dual career couple with a young daughter, we decided to give up a life that was full of status but lacking in sanity. We left the housecleaner and gardener behind, along with our SUVs, moving instead to a small village in the South of France. We would take time to live simply, reassess, learn and grow as a family, be invigorated for the next phase of life and to create a foundation for a new American lifestyle that was worth living. 

            Courage and Croissants is the story and a guidebook of a mid-life couple who took the risk to go in search of what was truly important to them. At its heart is a love of family and the desire for a better quality of life. It is a story for anyone who has ever wondered—is there more to life? It's a story and a guidebook about healing, rejuvenation creating new dreams, embracing the simple joys of living, and focusing on what is important in life.

           Courage and Croissants is aimed at the over one hundred million career professionals between 40-60, in English speaking countries, who are thinking that life needs to shift—whether they need a break from the stresses of modern living, are nearing retirement, yearn for time with their family, or are just tired of the rat race. Not only does it take the reader on the journey of one family’s life transition, it provides guided tips, inspiration and education for those looking to make small and big changes in their lives. It is a narrative guidebook appealing to 40-60 year old career professionals who love to grow and learn, adventuress parents, pre-retirees, armchair travelers, and those who love to travel and experience a different side of life.