Sunday in the park

France has recently insitutionalized a law that no stores can be open on Sundays, only restaurants and entertainment. This quality of life law is one that reminds me of life when I was a child, when nothing was open on Sundays. In fact shopping centers were so empty my dad taught me how to drive a car in an empty shopping center parking lot on Sundays. Not that we shopped much on Sundays anyways, it pushes you to enjoy a leisurely lunch and be in the outdoors. By 2 or 3 pm (lunch is very imporant !) the trails and country roads are full of family member of all ages meandering through the countryside enjoying the beautiful weather.




Avignon  - Sunday afternoon at the park on top of the Pape's Palais








The Valle d'Eure, Source of the Water near Uzes.





Zoe running with Pantoufle








Hike from Sanhilac to Collias
 not far away